Kigali Summit on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases

The Event

A. The Kigali Summit on Malaria and NTDs is a critical opportunity for world leaders to reaffirm commitments to end malaria and NTDs. The Summit will convene presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, philanthropists, scientific experts, global influencers and community champions, and will culminate in a high-level session and a Call-to-Action for world leaders. Throughout the day, high-level speeches, commitments, engaging content and thought-provoking discussions will highlight the action needed to end malaria and NTDs once and for all. The Summit will also feature performances from world-renowned artists of music, dance, and literature.

A. The Kigali Summit on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) will take place at Inare Conference Arena in Kigali, Rwanda on Thursday, 23 June 2022. The Summit will be hosted by the Government of Rwanda and will occur alongside the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

A. The Kigali Summit on Malaria and NTDs will be structured over two sessions. Session one in the morning through early afternoon will deliver commitments and announcements to accelerate progress to reduce and eliminate malaria and NTDs, and demonstrate how investments to fight these diseases can build more resilient health systems. Session two in the mid-afternoon will be attended by Heads of State and Government for the high-level closing section of the Summit. During the session, the outcomes and commitments of the morning sessions will be presented for endorsement by attending Heads of State and Government. Please refer to the Summit programme for full details.

A. Summit attendance is by invitation only. Invited delegates who are unable to attend in person will be able to participate in a livestream of the day’s events.

A. Virtual delegates will be provided with specific log-in details upon registration.

Eligibility, Registration and Tickets

A. No payment for the Summit is required but you will be responsible for your own transport, hotel and food costs.

A. All who wish to attend the Summit, whether in person or virtually, must officially register online using the link included in their invitation. For security purposes, in person attendees must upload a photo and a scan of their passport.

A. Initial deadline for registration 10 May 2022.

A. Attendees can cancel their place through a link on the registration email once they have registered. Attendees can also cancel their place by emailing info@malariantdsummit.org.

A. All interested media must apply for accreditation by no later than 23 May 2022 on the CHOGM website. All interested media are required to complete a full online application form and all applications will be subject to security clearance. Completion of an accreditation does not guarantee that credentials will be issued.

Travel, Transportation, Accommodation and Logistics

Please refer to the Rwanda Biomedical Centre for the most up to date information on vaccinations https://www.rbc.gov.rw/index.php?id=745

A 30 day visa is free for Commonwealth, Francophonie and African Union citizens on arrival into Rwanda. For citizens of countries outside of the Commonwealth, Francophonie and the African Union this visa is available for a $50 charge on arrival at the airport.

Please consult with your hotel for assistance arranging airport transfers.

We will be shortly sharing a portal for booking accommodation. The Summit is for one day 23
June 2022 and attendees should plan around this.

All hotel bookings regarding the Summit are being managed by our local partner, Events Factory. Together with the Government of Rwanda we are working to have a complete list of partner hotels.   

Week commencing 16 May we will share details of the Summit accommodation booking platform. Hotels on this platform should only be booked by guests who have registered for the event.  

Guests will be able to select and purchase rooms from a range of hotels at various price points. We will share an additional list of hotels after 20 May 2022. This may include several four and five-star Summit partner hotels.  

Please note you will be able to change your booking to another Summit partner hotel before your check-in date. This change is subject to availability. Where the hotel is more expensive you must pay the difference in fees. Where the hotel is less expensive you will receive a refund for the difference in fees.  

Any bookings cancelled after 6 June 2022 will incur a 100% charge of the agreed booking fee.  

Guests who book at a Summit partner hotel will receive a free shuttle service between the Intare conference arena and their hotel. 

Lunch will be provided on the day of the Summit.

The provided lunch will be vegan, vegetarian, kosher and halal compliant.

There is no official post-event dinner.

Security, Health and Safety

PCR and isolation on arrival. RPC. Please refer to the Rwanda Biomedical Centre for the latest advice https://www.rbc.gov.rw/index.php?id=745.

According to Rwandan law, any person on Rwandan territory must have health insurance.