Take action

Ending NTDs is possible within our lifetime – now is the moment for us all to show our commitment

● Incredible progress made so far proves that ending NTDs is possible but there is still a lot more work to be done before the world is free of NTDs.
● Funding to tackle NTDs is one of the best investments in global health.
● To prepare effectively for future pandemics, health systems need to be strong and responsive to the health needs of their populations. NTD programmes strengthen institutions and catalyse lasting transformations in health systems.
● NTD programmes, through their sheer scale, have the potential to lay the foundations for universal health coverage.
● When we allow NTDs to spread, the socioeconomic impact in affected countries becomes overwhelming. The inability of those affected to work or attend school – together with social stigma – multiplies the impacts of NTDs on societies.
● Women and girls are already highly disadvantaged in countries where NTDs hit hardest. These diseases keep them out of school, out of work and unable to take care of themselves or their families.
● NTDs prevent children from being able to go to school.
● To effectively tackle these diseases, we need safer, simpler and more effective treatments that are affordable and available to the people who need them.

Partner Playbook

Est cras vulputate vitae varius mauris et tristique nibh mauris, elementum, pulvinar ultricies enim vel sed.


Est cras vulputate vitae varius mauris et tristique nibh mauris, elementum, pulvinar ultricies enim vel sed.


Est cras vulputate vitae varius mauris et tristique nibh mauris, elementum, pulvinar ultricies enim vel sed.